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BigIron Realty

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    Description: Here’s your opportunity to purchase some highly productive irrigated farmland with frontage to the North Loup River. The property is close to market being located between Ord and North Loup, and only a ½ mile off HWY 11. According to the Valley County FSA office there are currently 192.81 acres of irrigated cropland, 10.91 acres of irrigated grass, approximately 20 acres of non-irrigated grass and the balance in trees, water ways, and a small pond.

    Included in the sale are:

    ·        A 7-tower Zimmatic pivot

    ·        2) 4-cylinder diesel power units

    ·        2) 1,000-gallon and 2) 500-gallon fuel tanks

    ·        2) gearheads w/pumps

    ·        All pipe and fittings located on the property

    ·        2) 20,000-bushel bins with drying floors, heaters, stirators, and power sweeps


    Legal Description: The NW ¼ less a 1.64 ac TR, Lots 4 & 5 in the NE ¼ & Lot 6 in the SE ¼ Exc. S.13.3 ac all in Section 24-18-13W Valley County, NE, containing 251.86+/- acres

    Land Location/Address: From North Loup, NE, go 2 miles north on HWY 11 then 1/2 mile east on 807th Road.


    2024 Taxes: $8,597.04


    Seller/s: Rick Skolil


    Priced At: $8,750/ac


    Listing Agents: John Stock 402-920-3180 or Jim Stock 402-920-0604



    Please see each Lot for specific terms.