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Fairbury Crestwood
Description: This apartment complex consists of 2 apartment buildings with a total of 14 units. All 14 units are two-bedroom apartments. There are also 20 garage storage units on the property. A new flat TPO roof is scheduled for installation on Crestwood H St. in November 2023, all 3 garage roofs will receive new roofs in November 2023. 12 of the 14 AC units either have been replaced or will be replaced in November 2023 by sellers. The current management has been making numerous updates to the apartments including vinyl plank floors. New appliances as needed. Kitchen and bathroom upgrades as needed.
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE
Legal Description:
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE Parcel # 480013969 11-2N-2E
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE Parcel # 480013861 11-2N-2E
2023 Taxes:
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE $5,582.32
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE $4,685.06
Owner/s: Fairbury 48LLC.
Listing Agent/s: Ken Maguire
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE $663,480.00
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE $497,610.00
Total asking Price: $1,161,090.00
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE
14 units total 14 two-bedroom units
Square Feet:
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE 11,823 Sq. Ft
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE 10,376 Sq. Ft
Year Built:
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE Year: 1985
Crestwood17th St. 815 17th St. Fairbury, NE Year: 1985
Crestwood H St: Brick
Crestwood 17th St. Brick
20 garage units on the property
Heating and Air Conditioning:
Crestwood H St: 8Units 7 out of 8 AC units have been replaced within past 3 years
Crestwood 17th St: 6 Units 5 out of 6 AC units have been replaced within past 3 years
1 Window has been replaced since 2020
An Income and expense statement for the Fairbury Properties is attached in a sperate file. The Fairbury properties are:
Crestwood H St: 1710 H St. Fairbury, NE
Crestwood 17th St. 815 17thSt. Fairbury, NE
E Street Apts 828 E St. Fairbury, NE
Eastview 525 I St. Fairbury, NE
Colonial Court 905 5thSt. Fairbury, NE
Pinecrest: 1011 K St, Fairbury, NE
School House: 720 J St. Fairbury, NE
Additional Resources
Please see each Lot for specific terms.