Home /   Realty Home /  Tract 3: 235.06+/- Acres Oglala Lakota, SD
BigIron Realty
Per Acre
ID# BIR22813
Location: Batesland, SD
Auction:Nov 15, 2022
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    673.46+/- Acres Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota
    Selling in 3 Tracts 
    On Our 
    November 15, 2022
    Bidding opens November 1, 2022, and ends November 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. MST

    Tract 3:  238+/-  Acres (Determined by survey)
    Description: Rolling farmland with electricity on the north and west perimeter and a county road on the north and west. There are approximately 11 acres of grass and a seasonal creek. 

    The bidding increments will be $50/acre. The final sale price will be calculated based on total acres times the highest bid.  Real Estate Agent reserves the right to adjust bidding increments.

    Plan to Attend the Informational Meeting & Auction:
    Crossroads Inn
    102 S. 1st Ave.
    Martin, SD 57551

    BigIron Realty Agents will be at the Crossroads Inn in Martin, SD, on November 15, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. MST until the conclusion of the online auction.  Please come during the times scheduled to discuss the farm.  BigIron Realty Representatives will be there to assist buyers with registering to bid online.  You do not have to be present to bid online, but you are required to be available by phone.

    BIDDING PROCESS: You may place bids on this farm for 14 days beginning  November 1, 2022, and ending November 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. MST. This unreserved online auction features bidding extensions. The closing time will be automatically extended when there is a bid in the last 5 minutes. NOTE: Do not wait until the day the auction closes to register to bid online. All bidders must be approved to bid, so register at least 24 hours prior to the auction close or call 800-887-8625 for assistance.

    Legal Description   Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, S ½ NE ¼ of Section 4-35-41 Oglala Lakota County, SD, containing 235+/- acres. Total acres will be determined by survey.

    2021 Taxes:   $1,188.16

    Land Location:  From the junction of SD Hwy 391 and US Hwy 18, go east 3 miles on 15 to the northwest corner of the tract. 

    Owners:  Larry Swick Estate
    Title Services:  
    First American Title, Rapid City, SD
    For more information, contact listing agent: 
    Brad Otte 605-685-5716

    Terms:  The successful Buyer will be required to enter into a written purchase agreement immediately after the sale with a 10% non-refundable down payment to be payable to the title company. The earnest deposit can be made by a personal check, company check, or by wire transfer. The balance will be due at closing on or before December 15, 2022. Seller will provide marketable title to the Buyer evidenced by title insurance; the title insurance and closing costs are split 50/50 between the Buyer and Seller. The 2021 real estate taxes will be paid by the Seller, and the 2022 real estate taxes will be prorated to closing. The property will not be sold subject to financing.  Bidding increments may be changed at the discretion of the Real Estate Agent. Please have all the financial arrangements made prior to the auction. The written purchase agreement, to be signed by the Seller and Buyer after the auction, is the sole and controlling document of this sale and supersedes any and all other terms whether verbal, written, expressed, or implied and shall be the sole and controlling document for this real estate transaction. BigIron Realty is working for the Seller.


    Bidding Increments

    For amounts up to...
    • US $0 or larger
      US $50


    677+/- Acres Oglala Lakota County, South DakotaSelling in 3 Tracts On Our UNRESERVED ONLINE AUCTIONNovember 15, 2022Bidding opens November 1, 2022, and ends November 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. MSTThe bidding increments will be $50/acre. The final sale price will be calculated based on total acres times the highest bid. Real Estate Agent reserves the right to adjust bidding increments.Plan to Attend the Informational Meeting & Auction:Crossroads Inn102 S. 1st Ave.Martin, SD 57551BigIron Realty Agents will be at the Crossroads Inn in Martin, SD, on November 15, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. MST until the conclusion of the online auction. Please come during the times scheduled to discuss the farm. BigIron Realty Representatives will be there to assist buyers with registering to bid online. You do not have to be present to bid online, but you are required to be available by phone.BIDDING PROCESS: You may place bids on this farm for 14 days beginning November 1, 2022, and ending November 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. MST. This unreserved online auction features bidding extensions. The closing time will be automatically extended when there is a bid in the last 5 minutes. NOTE: Do not wait until the day the auction closes to register to bid online. All bidders must be approved to bid, so register at least 24 hours prior to the auction close or call 800-887-8625 for assistance.Tract 1: 155+/- Acres (Determined by survey)Description: Nearly level tract with 114+/- acres of productive farm ground with the balance in grass, binsite and a seasonal creek with trees. There is a fence on the south and east perimeter, with electricity on the west side. Legal Description SW ¼ of Section 4-35-41, Oglala Lakota County, SD, containing 155+/- acres.2021 Taxes: $662.70Land Location: From the junction of SD Hwy 391 and US Hwy 18, go 3 miles east on 15, and 1 mile south to the southwest corner of the tract. Tract 2: 284+/- AcresDescription: Rolling farmland with electricity on the south and west perimeter, the tract corners an oil road and has a county road on the south and west.Legal Description: Lots 1 and 2 E ½ NW ¼ and Lots 3 and 4 E ½ SW ¼ of Section 31-36-41, Oglala Lakota County, SD, containing 284+/- acres. 2021 Taxes: $2,303.63Land Location: From the junction of SD Hwy 391 and US Hwy 18, go 1 mile east on 15 to the southwest corner of the tract. Tract 3: 238+/- Acres (Determined by survey)Description: Rolling farmland with electricity on the north and west perimeter and a county road on the north and west. There are approximately 11 acres of grass and a seasonal creek. Legal Description Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, S ½ NE ¼ of Section 4-35-41 Oglala Lakota County, SD, containing 238+/- acres. Total acres will be determined by survey.2021 Taxes: $1,188.16Land Location: From the junction of SD Hwy 391 and US Hwy 18, go east 3 miles on 15 to the northwest corner of the tract. Owners: Larry Swick EstateTitle Services: First American Title, Rapid City, SDFor more information, contact listing agent: Brad Otte 605-685-5716Terms: The successful Buyer will be required to enter into a written purchase agreement immediately after the sale with a 10% non-refundable down payment to be payable to the title company. The earnest deposit can be made by a personal check, company check, or by wire transfer. The balance will be due at closing on or before December 15, 2022. Seller will provide marketable title to the Buyer evidenced by title insurance; the title insurance and closing costs are split 50/50 between the Buyer and Seller. The 2021 real estate taxes will be paid by the Seller, and the 2022 real estate taxes will be prorated to closing. The property will not be sold subject to financing. Bidding increments may be changed at the discretion of the Real Estate Agent. Please have all the financial arrangements made prior to the auction. The written purchase agreement, to be signed by the Seller and Buyer after the auction, is the sole and controlling document of this sale and supersedes any and all other terms whether verbal, written, expressed, or implied and shall be the sole and controlling document for this real estate transaction. BigIron Realty is working for the Seller.